Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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May Newsletter: Melbourne Headshot Photography

If you are ever out with me you may hear me raving about profile photos and why I think everyone needs one. I have raved so much that my friend Mark sent me a link to a great article about the importance of headshots for your linked in profile - you can read the article at Lifehacker and once you've finished feel free to read my article and if you are in Melbourne come book in for a headshot now.  
I have limited availability for the remainder of May and June as I have work travel commitments outside of Melbourne, June 10th will be my last available date for this financial year, 

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