Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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Rottnest Island Western Australia

The beauty of Rotto even in a storm


NYC : The Highline - circa Fall 2012

What to do when you should be looking for work, apartments etc etc - you enjoy the summer weather that this Autumn is bringing us and enjoy The Highline while the sun is shining!


Central Park

I've never been to Shakespeare's Garden in Central Park so I went on a photowalk as part of Scott Kelby's worldwide photo walk and this is what I saw.


Keeping Austin Weird: Yard Art - Austin Travel Blog

I love dolls, and I am really loving Austin in all it's weirdness.  
I don't think I loved dolls growing up but the ones below are just great. 
I wonder if my neighbors would love it if I planted these on my balcony? 
All I would need: some plant boxes, some soil, some dolls heads, some sticks! 


Keeping Austin Weird: Austin Travel Blog

Okay so I posted under iPhoneography my images from the Austin Yard Art Tour, and below are more images from my Canon.  
I have more to show because I just loved the backyards... I have to admit at the time of actually being in the backyards I was kinda gobsmacked and weirded out but I did love all the "art" that I saw. My all time favorite was the yard with all the toy dolls - they were the best and I think the final post will just feature those!  
But what possesses people to collect this stuff and let it accumulate in their yards over the years?  
I wonder what their neighbors think about it? 
For me, as I already said, I was creeped out a bit... but I think the fact that the week before a friend hooked me up with the TV show Hoarders had something to do with it... and I really felt that some of these places become art because the people who own them could be people with Hoarding tendencies... I did go home after the day, and had to shower, change, burn my clothes (kidding) but I ended up watching like about 4 episodes of Hoarders back to back that night!  
All i can say is that they are certainly Keeping Austin Weird - and you have to kinda love that... well at least I do!

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