Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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This hair!

I don't really have to say much - how awesome is Max's hair! I mean really. Jealous of a toddler much?


Thomas, Melbourne and NYC child photography

Thomas is too cute!  
This little one year old was walking before turning one! 
And has the biggest blue eyes that I've ever seen!


Inspire Me 2012: Melbourne children photography

Is it just me or do you find when you visit a new place or leave your home surroundings that your creativity gets pushed?  
Two weeks ago I escaped to the Gold Coast for a 3-day workshop with some pretty talented ladies for Inspireme2012. Credit goes to Ainslie and Mark Bernoth for running such a great workshop! They are two truly genuine and helpful people.  
Our first shoot was all about children, so the images below is all about that. The day was freezing but you would never know as the children who took part in our shoot were brilliant! Big thanks goes to Blake, Josh, Chloe and Juliet. We worked with US Photographer Amy Wenzel, who is all about styling her shoots. She did a fab job coordinating the outfits with the location - we were on Safari - out in the countryside with camels and snakes and frogs and lizards.... everything that kids love really! I'm not going to lie - Camels freak me out - but these ones were pretty well behaved....  
So I'm putting it out there, I would LOVE to do more stylized shoots! If you have children who are old enough to follow instructions and want some out of the norm portraits let's talk and organize something together! Yes it is winter in Melbourne so it may involve rugging up but wouldn't it be fun to have some great stylized photographs of your children? Think about it and then email me!  


Just Max - Melbourne baby photography

Okay this post is overdue and a long time coming. Welcome to Max's solo shoot! This little baby is seriously soo cute!


Master Maxwell - Melbourne Baby Photography

Well it seems the video (post below) does not play on mobile devices so here are a few of the images that I love!  
This baby gives the best cuddles ever - just look below to see what I mean!

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